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Reasons for Choosing PPC Over SEO

When searching anything in Google search engine, it brings back two results, the natural and paid results. In fact, it takes us back many more paid results but do not perceive as they are above, below and to the right of the natives results.

These sponsored results are from advertisers who have bought or bid on a keyword search to the same or similar searched by the user. Besides them the advertiser can include text that otherwise would not appear to position your website as offers and promotions. You will land on a landing page chosen and oriented conversion offered.

Heat Maps. The Golden Triangle Google


In web, heat maps are reflected spaces screen where all eyes converge users. In the case of the Google results page this area is concentrated mainly in a triangle on the top left, which is where the renowned companies have placed their main listings.

With regards to the sponsored results on the right, recent analyzes demonstrate that is developing certain "blindness" toward them, especially among young people. To compensate Google tries to show items of interest on the right side of the screen to divert user’s attention as the "instant preview", the "knowledge graph”, Google Shopping ads, maps or results of Google+.

Studies put the number of sponsored results that Google serves 85%

Just like natural results, paid results also can be enriched with additional sections of the web, descriptions, product sheets, photo or Google+ +1, ads with the mobile phone number allowing you to call directly.


In Search Engine, there was a time in which it was believed that a user had to choose between investing in PPC or do SEO, pay per click versus working hours and more decisive factor: short term work versus long term work. But now that Google has left us blind to keywords. So, SEO and PPC should go hand in hand with having advantages of their own.

Pay per click brings us targeted traffic and conversions, if we do SEO and also PPC then chances are there to get 25% more traffic which helps us to protect our brand, gives us control over the message displayed to users in the SERP and on the page destination on landing and will be a very useful tool when you want to make a survey of keywords.

Given their short-term reaction, PPC enables quick course correction and support between online and offline strategies, testing ads or functionality of the landings.

if we do SEO and PPC together, we also get 25% more traffic

The disadvantage of PPC compared to SEO, other than the natural results is more clicks and its durability. But, when we stop paying the PPC, you lose that traffic while natural positioning can last for months even after stopping the strategies.

When to do PPC?


  1. If our site has low competition and the results show on first or second page of results for major keywords in your business niche.
  2. To rank the keywords quickly in seasonal campaigns searches like Father's Day, Valentine day, Christmas day, etc.
  3. To test between several landings pages to see what works best. Just create the ads that lead to one or the other and perform A/B testing to measure best results.
  4. If our competitor is bidding for your brand and appears above our brand keywords in the SERP. It is advisable to register your brand in Google.
  5. To cover possible misspellings (faults and misspellings) that can make our users to search for our brand. For example, complicated name companies like Swatch Schwarzkopf may use pay per click for this purpose.
  6. If we want to just obtain data on our targeted keywords that work best for us.
  7. If we got penalized by Google algorithm, then it is the only way we can appear on Google.
Reasons for Choosing PPC Over SEO Reasons for Choosing PPC Over SEO Reviewed by Unknown on 15:45 Rating: 5

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